Wednesday 9 May 2012

Gender Stereotyping in the media of teenage girls.

High school couple picture out of dolly magazine!
In magazines aimed for girls between 13 and 17 their will always be an article focus of a boy. Usually it is either to do with boyfriend advice, how to impress him, or a photo's of the latest 'Heart Throb'. I will be explaining how the media portrays and tricks girls into thinking they will need a crush or a boy to be successful in life and the damages that relationships can cause for teenage girls.  When I think of teenage relationships I think of high school and more friendship than love, but these day's relationships can become so serious that it can cause problems for young teenage girls.  The media has helped contribute to this by always having images of girls looking really happy by being with strong boys and advice on how to get your crush to notice you. But whats really bad about the happy images of girls with boys and advice, is that it tricks girls minds into thinking they need a boy to make them happy and have the 'higher status' within their friend group and school.  Having girls think they need boy's means it can make them change themselves to be 'perfect girlfriend material' this can lead to friendship problems, personal make overs attitude changes and self body harm.  Most people have probably experienced knowing someone who has went through ridiculous scheming to try get their crushes to notice them such as flirting, peer pressure for trying new things to make them seem 'cooler'.  The media has completely changed the image of a teenage relationship by making girls think when you are in a relationship it's more than just "boyfriend and girlfriend".  The media has helped make girls get crazy ideas by having their advice section for girls on how to get boy's, although girls may think this is helpful at the time, it is usually the complete wrong advice.  They tell you to wear certain thing's , what boy's like girls to do and what boys like. This is miss guiding girls by telling them that if you want to have a relationship you should do certain things that you probably wouldn't do and then this is giving your crush the wrong impression of yourself.  I think that teenage relationship these day's are far to serious and they can change girls for the rest of their lives if they get in the wrong relationship.  Relationships for getting out of hand and it's time the media changes the messages they print.  My advice is be who you are and don't be afraid to raise your voice about something you think is wrong or right.

      Here is some images of other magazines that put images of girls with boys being extremely happy.

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